EXPLORNA Science Publications Presentations Members
Marie Curie Excellence Grant
“Study of RNA components by the Synthesis of Small Molecules”
Contract No. MEXT-CT-2006-039149, Dr. Dionisios Vourloumis,
Budget : € 1.619.960, Duration : Feb 2007– Jan 2011
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Oral Presentations Invited
- Dionisios Vourloumis, “Targeting RNA with small molecules.” EMBO Conference on “Viral RNA: Structure, Function and Targeting”, Invited speaker, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, March 5–7, 2007.
- Dionisios Vourloumis, “Targeting RNA with small molecules.” 2nd Hellenic Symposium on Organic Synthesis, University of Athens, Invited speaker, Athens, Greece, April 19–21, 2007.
- Dionisios Vourloumis, “Chemical Biology of Small Molecules Interfering with Protein-Synthesis” 13th National Conference in Medicinal Chemistry, Athens, Greece, March 14–15, 2008.
- Dionisios Vourloumis, “Chemical Biology of Small Molecules Interfering with Protein-Synthesis” invited speaker, University of Athens, Greece, June 9, 2008.
Oral Presentations
- Dionisios Vourloumis et al. “Chemical Biology of Small Molecules Interfering with Protein-Synthesis” 9th International Conference in Medicinal Chemistry: Drug discovery and design, University of Patra, Greece, March 26–28, 2008.
- Dionisios Vourloumis et al. “Chemical Biology of Small Molecules Interfering with Protein-Synthesis” ESF-COST High-Level Research Conference: Natural Products Chemistry, speaker and session chair, Biology and Medicine, Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, May 18–23, 2008. Book of Abstracts 2008, pages 60–61.
- Katsoulis, I.A.; Pyrkotis, C.; Papakyriakou, A.; Kythreoti, G.; Cottin, T.; Zografos, A.L.; Mavridis, I.; Nahmias, V.R.; Anastasopoulou, P.; Vourloumis, D., “Novel Spirocyclic Aminocyclitols: Simplified Rigid Structures with Antibiotic Activity”, 3rd Hellenic Symposium on Organic Synthesis, “From Chemistry to Biology, Medicine and Materials Science”, Athens, Greece, October 15-17, 2009 book of abstracts, L08.
- Christos I. Stathakis, Constantina Pyrkotis, Ioannis A. Katsoulis, Thomas Cottin, Athanasios Papakyriakou, Alexandros Zografos, Ioannis Mavridis, Panoula Anastasopoulou, Georgia Kythreoti, Dionisios Vourloumis, “TARGETING BACTERIAL RNA: DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF NOVEL RIGID STRUCTURES WITH ANTIBIOTIC ACTIVITY”, 14th Hellenic Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, April 23-25, 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, oral presentation. Dr. Vourloumis was a member of the scientific board of the same conference.
- Georgia Kythreoti, Dionisios Vourloumis, “DEVELOPMENT OF A HOMOSAPIENS CYTOPLASMIC RIBOSOMAL DECODING SITE AFFINITY SCREEN”, 14th Hellenic Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, April 23-25, 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, oral presentation. Dr. Vourloumis was a member of the scientific board of the same conference.
- Dionisios Vourloumis, “RNA as a Drug Target: A Case Study” Nano2life Summer School on Methods in Micro-Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology, 2007, Athens, Greece, June 25 - July 6, 2007.
- Dionisios Vourloumis, “RNA as a Drug Target: A Case Study” Nano2life Summer School on Methods in Micro-Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology, 2008, Athens, Greece, June 30 - July 10, 2008.
- Anastasopoulou, P.; Efthimiadou, E.; Katsarou, M.; Katsoulis, I.A.; Kythreoti, G.; Mavridis, I.; Nahmias, V.R.; Papakyriakou, A.; Pitsinos, E.N.; Pyrkotis, C.; Zografos, A.L.; Vourloumis, D., “Antibiotics, anti-Angiogenics and Diagnostics”, COST CM0804, “Chemical Biology with Natural Products”, Workshop 2009, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy, December 03-06 2009, book of abstracts, O23.
- Anastasopoulou, P.; Cottin, T.; Katsoulis, I.A.; Koltsida, K.; Kythreoti, G.; Mavridis, I.; Nahmias, V.R.; Papakyriakou, A.; Pyrkotis, C.; Zografos, A.L.; Vourloumis, D., “Targeting RNA with small molecules”, COST CM0804, “Natural Products as Drugs and Leads for Drugs”, Workshop 2010, Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymvari, Crete, Greece, October 12-15 2010, book of abstracts, pages 37-38.
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